About Me

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So many things have happened in life that have changed the course and destiny of my future. The good news is that I know Who holds my future, and I am trusting Him to make all things new. I was married for 25 years to the father of my children, and never imagined myself just another "statistic." I could get bitter and allow it to consume me, but I have chosen to let God heal me through the gifts He gives me everday...the gifts of special people in my life who move me, motivate me, love me, care for me enough to tell me when I need to pick myself up...I am truly blessed beyond measure!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Promises I Can Count On

As I was going through my morning routine today, getting ready for work, the Lord spoke a scripture to my heart.  I stopped what I was doing, and I looked it up - Proverbs 3:6.  After reading that one scripture, I went to the top of the chapter and read it in its entirety.  With joy in my heart, tears on my face and the presence of God in my room, I realized that Proverbs 3 contained promises that my Father wanted to give to me.

There are 16 promises in Proverbs 3...just as there are 16 things that I need to do to obtain those promises! After some research, I found that the number 16 in Biblical Numerology is identified with things that deal with love, passion, things we hold dear, cherish and devote ourselves to.  Here’s how this chapter lines up in my mind (scripture reference in parenthesis):

What Do I Need To Do?
What Are His Promises?
Don’t forget His laws (1)
Long life (2)
Keep His commandments (1)
Added peace (2)
Don’t lose grip on His mercy (3)
Favor of God and those I interact with (4)
Don’t leave truth (3)
Direction for my life (6)
Trust Him wholeheartedly (5)
Health (8)
Acknowledge Him (6)
Increase and prosperity (10)
Don’t think you can outsmart God (7)
He will delight in me (12)
Pay your tithing (9)
Happiness (13)
Allow God to correct your life (11)
Riches (16)
Use wisdom in all things (21)
Honor (16)
Be discreet (21)
Pleasant attitude (17)
Be confident (23)
Confidence (26)
Don’t be afraid of fear itself (25)
Protection (26)
Give others credit when due (27)
Blessings (33)
Be kind to others (29)
Grace (34)
Don’t envy (31)
Inherit glory (15)

 With God on my side, how can I lose?  Every promise in His word is true, and every one of them can be mine! Every one of them can be yours too! It is exciting to me to know that I have a Father who wants the very best for me.  My earthly father was an incredible man who loved me with every fiber of his being.  He made promises to me…and kept most of them; he truly was a man of his word.  But, my daddy was human – he made mistakes just like the rest of us.  How much the more does my heavenly Father love me? And my daddy would be the first to tell you that Jesus will always keep His promises.  He would quickly tell you that he was just a man, but Jesus was THE man.

I can go through my day confident that God will stay true to His word.  Even when I fail Him, He allows me the opportunity to pick myself back up, brush the dust from my knees and start walking again.  I hold His promises dear to me; I cherish them.  I have devoted my life to His instructions so that I may obtain His promises.

**Heavenly Father, thank you for the promises
That you have offered to us in your word.
It’s such a good feeling to know that you
Love us the way that you do. 
So much that you died on an old rugged cross
Just so that we could have all of these promises!
Help me to follow your path and do the things
That you have instructed me to do
To inherit your promises.
Thank you for loving me in spite of me.
Thank you for allowing me chance after chance
To get back up and start afresh with you.
Your mercies are new every morning,
And for that I am so grateful!
You are a gracious Father...Amen**

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