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So many things have happened in life that have changed the course and destiny of my future. The good news is that I know Who holds my future, and I am trusting Him to make all things new. I was married for 25 years to the father of my children, and never imagined myself just another "statistic." I could get bitter and allow it to consume me, but I have chosen to let God heal me through the gifts He gives me everday...the gifts of special people in my life who move me, motivate me, love me, care for me enough to tell me when I need to pick myself up...I am truly blessed beyond measure!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bitter or Better

Life experiences shape us...they mold us...they attribute to the very core of who we are.  Some experiences are filled with joy and laughter, some with sorrow and grief, many with pain and sadness.

I was conversing with one of my children this morning, who is processing through some tough life experiences, and I realized that we can use these experiences, especially the difficult ones, to makes us "bitter" or "better."  Being bitter may hurt others temporarily, but in reality it hurts us in the long run. Being better actually gives us freedom to live life fully...as it is to be lived!

Being bitter may even feel justified at times...it helps us to "vent"...to feel like justice has been served.  But the memories that remain from bitter words or actions stay with us and those affected by them for years to come. Bitterness can grow into a long-term, ugly, life-threatening substance that chokes out anything good.  Some people carry bitterness to the grave with them...and in the end, what exactly did it gain them?  Nothing but loneliness, stress, and separation from the good things in life.

Being better...on the other hand...produces so much more good things.  Being better allows us to not repeat those things that have caused us hurt to begin with - we don't like how it felt, and we don't want others to experience it.  Being better calls for us to often times put another knot in the rope and get a better grasp on things to climb up higher.  Being better requires us to pay attention to our own words, thoughts and actions. Being better affords each and every one of us the opportunity to make memories that leave a legacy for those around us.

As I talked my son through this tough time in his life, I reminded him of all of the things that he doesn't like about the way he's feeling right now...I asked him to relate that to the relationships in his life...his baby, his girlfriend, his mother, his sister, his friends, his co-workers...even the criminals he works with on a daily basis at his job. He has two choices...to be bitter or to be better.  I encouraged him to allow this circumstance to force him to make the right choice between the two options.  I am confident that he will. I am so proud of this young man that God has blessed me with...he is going to become the man, father, husband, son, brother that God destined him to be.

What I can't do is erase the pain my children feel in this life.  I can be there to offer a loving hand, word of advice, an ear to just listen, arms to hold...I can teach them by example how to forgive, how to love, how to make good choices. I can give them a piece of the heritage that my parents handed to me...love God - do right by Him.  Live His Word every day...do unto others as you'd have them do unto you...love and live each day to the fullest. 

**Lord, thank you for giving us choices in this life.  Thank you for 
giving your own life so that we might have life, and have it more
abundantly.  I pray for anyone who is experiencing things in
life that create pain, anguish, sorrow, grief and pain.  Allow
your peace and comfort to cover them and embrace them in 
your loving arms.  Give each and every one of us the wisdom to 
make the right choice between allowing our circumstances
to make us bitter or better.  In Your Name we pray...Amen.**

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