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So many things have happened in life that have changed the course and destiny of my future. The good news is that I know Who holds my future, and I am trusting Him to make all things new. I was married for 25 years to the father of my children, and never imagined myself just another "statistic." I could get bitter and allow it to consume me, but I have chosen to let God heal me through the gifts He gives me everday...the gifts of special people in my life who move me, motivate me, love me, care for me enough to tell me when I need to pick myself up...I am truly blessed beyond measure!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mistakes, Failures and Consequences

As I was listening to the local news on my way to work this morning, I was gripped with sadness at the stories I was hearing.  A hostage situation yesterday ending with a father dead and his son in jail; a fire on the east side of town rendering a family completely homeless and having lost everything; a couple in jail for producing meth...seemingly indicative of our society today.  I was thinking..."This is Terre Haute! Things like this are not supposed to happen in my community!"

As I felt a sense of overwhelming sadness at hearing these things, I couldn't help but think about the individuals involved in these catastrophes. We could sit and analyze all day what went wrong, how it went wrong, who was wrong...all those things, but the reality of it is that every single mistake we make has a consequence.  The son made the decision, for whatever reason, to go into his father's home, set it on fire, hold him hostage and then proceed to conduct a stand off with law enforcement.  The consequence is great...this young man will likely spend many years, if not a life time, in prison, and a family has lost a father, a son, an uncle, and a friend.  There was still life to live for both of them; however, with one wrong decision - a mistake - a failure, consequences are inevitable.  For the couple who were producing a harmful, illegal drug in their utility shed...they made the decision to obtain the ingredients to make this drug with the intent to use or sell.  Once again, one wrong decision - a mistake - a failure, will end with consequences for both individuals.  Children, parents, family, friends will all be impacted by each of these circumstances.  That impact will last a lifetime!

As I processed my thoughts through these events, I began to reflect on my own life.  I have made my fair share of mistakes; I have had my own large dose of failures; and I have paid, and still pay, the consequences for many of them. Some of my decisions carry consequences that not only impact me, but have impacted others, and will do so for many years to come.  As you continue to read my blog, you will see posts from time to time that reveal many of those mistakes and failures.  But...there is good news in spite of what may seem negative...

Yes...for every battle, there will be a scar; for every war, there will be casualties; for every pain, there will be a memory...BUT...For every wrong, there is a right; for every mistake, there is a fix; for every failure, there is a triumph; for every frown, there is a smile...and the best news of all is that FOR EVERY NIGHT, THERE IS A MORNING!

Even though the individuals I have mentioned in this post may seem doomed - they will feel doomed for sure, there can be good come out of their stories.  I have my moments when I feel doomed...but I refuse to allow myself to stay in that place for very long.  Because I know that for everything that I have gone through, whether self inflicted or just life circumstances, God can turn it all around and use if for His glory, which is my intent.  

Are you struggling with past mistakes or failures?  Do you feel like the consequences you are facing are overwhelming? If this is you, let me take this moment to encourage you.  Life can be so cruel sometimes, but we have a hope.  That hope is in the Father's love...in His arms, we are protected.  Does that mean we won't have troubles?  No...the reality is that we are human, He created each of us with a mind of our own to make decisions, and He knew full well we would mess it up most of the time.  And because He knew that, He gave His only Son to die for those sins He knew we would commit.  He gave us a Comforter to help ease the pain of the consequences we would face.

Regardless of what path life has led you down...whether you have made the choices all on your own, or out of a reaction to the choice of another, the Father is waiting for you.  As destructive as the behavior of the individuals at the beginning of this post may seem, He still loves them just as much as He does the rest of us.  In Acts 10:34, Peter proclaimed that "God is no respecter of persons."  What this tells me is that He doesn't really keep score of our past, our wrongs, our mistakes and failures.  He sees each of us daily through eyes of love and compassion.  He puts our sins into the sea of forget never to be remembered again.  There is nothing better than that, my friend!

**Thank you, Father, for the promises that you have given us in your word.
The promises that you'll never leave us, nor forsake us; that your mercies
are new every morning; that you cast our sins into the sea of forget; that you are
no respecter of persons and we are all the same at the foot of your cross.
I ask that you help each and every one of us today that struggle with 
mistakes or failures - each one that is feeling the sting of consequences
from their own past or the actions of others.  Let us all feel your
presence and your loving arms wrapped tightly around us.
Give us the strength to face each day with renewed commitment
to do your will and follow after you. Help us to use our mistakes and failures
as tools from which to learn.  In Your Name I pray...Amen!**

1 comment:

  1. If there was a "like" button, I would definately hit it. Everyone goes through struggles in their lives. As long as the person recongize it and make the necessary changes things will turn around. The only person you can count on is GOD. If you have him in your life, things will change, it might take a while but hang in there!!!! Love, Mel.
