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So many things have happened in life that have changed the course and destiny of my future. The good news is that I know Who holds my future, and I am trusting Him to make all things new. I was married for 25 years to the father of my children, and never imagined myself just another "statistic." I could get bitter and allow it to consume me, but I have chosen to let God heal me through the gifts He gives me everday...the gifts of special people in my life who move me, motivate me, love me, care for me enough to tell me when I need to pick myself up...I am truly blessed beyond measure!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Secure or Complacent

I was privileged the other day to read a eulogy that my close friend did for his father. His father had actually passed away a few years earlier, but over the course of the last few weeks, he had spent a lot of time sharing with me some of his fondest memories about him and said he would like for me to read the eulogy that he had written.  I must say...it moved me deeply. 

First of all, I was moved by the sheer power of the words and the deep emotion that had been poured in to writing this incredible piece of art.  Secondly, I realized just how grateful I really was to have this man as a part of my life...someone who could so incredibly pour his emotions and grief in to something so special. After reading the eulogy, I also realized something that I had been hearing for many weeks.  This man was a clone of his father...who, by all descriptions, was truly a great man.

As I was reading the eulogy, however, there was a  very simple, short sentence that struck me.  "He was a secure man, but he was not complacent."  Wow! So many times, I think we mistakenly cross those two words and mix the meanings up.  So...as is my style, I decided to do a little word search, and here is what I found.

Secure, in the English language, and according to Webster's Dictionary, means "easy in mind, confident."  My friend, and from all accounts, his father, fit this description so well.  When we become secure, we can be confident, which simply is nothing more than assurance and self-reliance.  That, in no way, indicates that we do not need others...in fact, it's quite the opposite.  When we are secure, we're more than willing to accept the fact that others really can help us become even better.  When we are secure, we realize that the "code" that we live by is unshakeable; it's unmovable; it's NOT an option.  When others around us seem to be shaken by events that turn them upside down, we stay steadfast.  That isn't to say that we don't get shaken as well, but the reaction is so different.

On the other hand, the word complacent indicates that one is self-satisfied; they are okay with "status quo"; they are content with staying the same and never changing; one who is complacent tends to not reach out and find new people, new ways, new concepts.  Complacency often screams: "I've done it this way for years, and I'm not changing!"  People who are complacent have a hard time letting others in to their lives - their world - their environment.

As I began to put more thought to this comparison, I quickly realized exactly which one of those two characteristics I wanted to possess.  I realized that it is often easier to become complacent...we don't want things messed up in "our little world."  But with complacency also comes a stagnancy that I do not want in my life.  Stagnant minds don't expand; they don't learn new thoughts or concepts; they are not open to new people and ideas.  In other words, complacency is no place for me!

I like the feeling that being "secure" gives me.  I am secure in who I am; I am secure in my relationships; I am secure in my relationship with God; I am secure in my job; I am secure in my family.  If I were to tell you that I really am already there in all of those areas, it would not be honest of me.  What I have come away from this thought with is this:  I will live daily to strive toward those areas.  I will think myself secure!  I refuse to allow the spirit of complacency to mandate my life or my future!

**Dear God...thank you for the people you have placed in my life
to help me learn the things you desire for me to know.
Thank you for allowing my heart, my mind, my ears and my soul 
to be open to the things around me.
Daily help me to live secure in who I am, in my relationships
with those very people you have placed in my life and new ones to come, 
in who I am in you and in my walk with you; in my job and career and in my family.
Help me to live an honest and upright life before you...help me to be a light
to others who may be struggling with their sense of security or with complacency.
You alone can help us with these things...In Jesus' Name I pray...Amen**

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