About Me

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So many things have happened in life that have changed the course and destiny of my future. The good news is that I know Who holds my future, and I am trusting Him to make all things new. I was married for 25 years to the father of my children, and never imagined myself just another "statistic." I could get bitter and allow it to consume me, but I have chosen to let God heal me through the gifts He gives me everday...the gifts of special people in my life who move me, motivate me, love me, care for me enough to tell me when I need to pick myself up...I am truly blessed beyond measure!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Social Network or Social Destruction?

I am amazed by what some use Facebook for.  A platform that, I believe, was intended for people to connect, share photos, stories and help span distance between friends and family, has become so much more than that.  There are certainly those good components, and many of us still use it for that. I am grateful for those friends in my Friends List that I know I can count on for positive, uplifting, humorous, genuine and clean posts.  HOWEVER...as I read through pages and pages of News Feed of my friends, and I even get to pages of those who are not my friends but friends of others, I am more and more amazed at what shows up.

Facebook has become a medium by which a father tells his daughter he's suddenly married; it has been used as a means to destroy marriages; it has been used as a tool to cause friends to despise one another; it has been used as a resource to pit family members against other family members...all in the name of "social networking."  In these instances, I would choose to call it "social destruction." Have you ever really paid attention to the comments that others leave to some postings?  I feel like the more negative, condescending and gossipy a post is, the more comments and "likes" are made.

I have recently paid particular attention to one of my dearest friend's postings...I actually pay particular attention to everything he says, but his writings are far above the normal "posting" you see on Facebook.  Often times, his heart and soul are revealed in what he writes.  As I've gone back over and read and re-read his posts, I am saddened by the lesser amount of "traffic" his posts get as opposed to those of some others who are certainly not news- or note-worthy!  As a society, we seem to encourage negativity. Are we, as that society, so wrapped up in the negative news of everyone's life that we can't take the time to really stop and appreciate the good things that happen to people?  Before you comment on a post by someone else, or before you write your own post, take just a moment and remember who all might see what you're writing.  Who might it affect?  What is the "domino effect", if you will, of what you are saying.

We have all become so dependent on the use of technology to communicate with the people in our lives.  It is a sad thing to a degree; however, without it many of us wouldn't even have the opportunity to talk as frequently to one another.  So there is definitely some good to be said for social platforms, text messaging, Voxer...all of the things that are so readily available to keep us "connected."  Are you using those things to truly network?  Are your attempts at networking creating destruction and turmoil?  Just food for thought...think about it the next time you scroll through your Facebook pages.

Now...having said all of that...I am NOT going to delete my Facebook profile, or my personal page.  I find strength in some of what my friends post on here...I enjoy the inspiration that I receive when reading some things.  I enjoy sharing the things that inspire me and the words that God gives me to potentially help others.  I am awed by the fact that what I write on my personal status or my page, Reflections of Life, helps others.  Facebook has provided that opportunity.  The sad part is that those are the things that often have the fewer comments and "likes."  Whether I write them or someone else writes them...the good stuff doesn't quite catch our attention like it should.

By no means, am I intending to start a debate on the positives or negatives about Facebook or any other type of social network...I really enjoy having them!  I simply want us to be aware of what we do, say, write or think...and I'm pointing the finger right back to myself...I want what I do and say to edify, encourage, uplift, inspire...not destroy, tear down, self-destruct or cause another to stumble in their walk of life.

This is my prayer for today and every day...Psalm 19:14..."Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer!"  And James 1:19..."...let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak..."  What a difference this world would be if we all practiced that!

**Father...you have been so merciful to us and given us
so many tools and resources to connect to others.  
May we always use these resources to spread good news,
encouragement, joy and peace instead of strife, pain,
sorrow, gossip and negative thoughts.
Help me, above all, to be "swift to hear and slow to speak."  
Allow me to think before I react...
I want to "be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord."
Allow the things that I say help someone else in their
journey of life.  Helping others is a way that we
heal ourselves...we truly all have been so 
abundantly blessed and have so much to give.
Help us to see that in ourselves....Amen**

1 comment:

  1. In our Prayers we should ask every day that we that "conduit of God's Love" for others around us! It is amazing how infectuous a simple smile is and how powerful it can be for someone's day!
